Professional Plastering Service Perth WA
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The answer is no. The floor treatment will only make the floor safer and better than before. However, you may notice some changes in the reduction of glossiness but that’s really not a problem as long as the surface is safe to walk.

After the application, most surfaces do not usually require special maintenance. However, it’s imperative that you take the necessary steps to prevent and eliminate grease & build-up. We recommend you follow a cleaning regime to keep your floor clean.

Yes, we do. Our warranty includes a one-year warranty, provided your treated surface is properly cleaned and taken care of.

The duration of the procedure depends on the type and size of the surface. Once the treatment is done, the floor can be used again as usual.

This will depend on the type of treatment. With our non-slip floor treatments, you will be able to immediately use your floor. We strongly advise you not to cause any disruption during the treatment procedure. Once the job is done and the floor dries, you can go about your regular activities.

At Inviza Grip, we use eco-friendly products and our methods do not have any negative effects on the environment.

Non-slip floor treatment service costs vary depending on the type, size, and condition of the surface. Feel free to contact us to ask for a free quote or estimate.

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04260 09722
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